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Dr Justin Wong as the Keynote speaker for the Joint Post-graduate and ECR Cancer Network Symposium

Updated: Nov 14, 2019

Justin presented an excellent presentation as the invited keynote speaker for the Joint Post-Graduate and ECR Cancer Network Symposium, with the talk title "15 years of cancer research: highlights, challenges and why bother?".

Talking about not only his research work but talking about his own challenges and difficulties he's experienced in his scientific career, Justin provided useful advice to early career researcher's and also post-graduate students. He spoke about his own research inspiration, his passions and interests, and the way cancer has impacted him in his personal life. He also encouraged and highlighted the importance of collaborations and having or being a mentor, no matter what stage of research you are at. And lastly, provided amazing advice with quotes like "never accepting failure," "formulating the correct research questions" and "publish or perish."

It was a great presentation which demonstrated that despite the failures that are a reality in scientific research, perseverance will always be rewarded. Remain flexible and be ready to interpret your data from multiple angles.


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